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Friday, November 29, 2013


11/26/13 BLACK JUDGE SAYS UCLA COPS WERE ABUSIVE re SEATBELT CITATION (what race/skin color were the cops? It seems strange but I remember irvine cops pulling me over & the first thing they said to me was "we saw you pull your seatbelt on..." after they pulled me over, or in the process..; & in Pasadena 2 white cops instigated a physical altercation with me at a scene of a near-accident due to the other driver running a red light (&I'm white) I'm just wondering if this was a race-based matter or simply "bully cops"? Either way,its bad 4 the police,and this time they definitely picked on the wrong person;not only a judge,but a former police commissioner as well. You can be sure he has some friends in high places.Those cops are the ones surely shaking in their boots now. Search: black judge,ucla cops,african american,seatbelt,david cunningham,carl douglas,*read more at,0,7110117.story#axzz2liTBAQVm
"...A prominent African American judge has
filed a complaint against two UCLA police
officers, accusing them of using excessive
force when they pulled him over for not
wearing a seat belt.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge David S.
Cunningham III, a former Los Angeles
Police Commission president, said the
officers shoved him against his car,
handcuffed him, locked him in the back of
their police cruiser and told him he was
being detained for resisting arrest."Do you think this would have happened
if he was a white judge?" the attorney,
Carl Douglas, said Monday, calling for
both officers to be removed from the field
"What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith
and love in Christ Jesus. Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you
-- guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us."2 Timothy 1:13-14,posted by vk *DefendRealMarriage("TraditionalMarriage")
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