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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

This Hispanic officer (Giraldo) treated me like I was white trash in Glendale CA , 2006

Sure I was driving an old station wagon and I looked poor but I was a student and struggling to make ends meet. And I paid my auto insurance & I had a current driver's license and registration. And then he also treated me like I was potentially dangerous even though I had a nice golden retriever in my car wagging her tail. 

I really felt like I was discriminated against on this particular day by this particular officer and I made a complaint to the chief -of -police (Randy Adams at the time)  which he rubber- stamp - dismissed of course. 

And this had to do with making a 
 u-turn in the street, even though it was a safe u-turn and using a driveway to turn around. Which is a huge fine by the way and also causes your insurance rates to go up. I actually contested the ticket and received a partial reimbursement. 

By the way, did you know that white people are the minority in Los Angeles county ?