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First Responders Children's Foundation : Support Frontline Heroes

Sunday, March 1, 2015

4 SOME REASON I DON'T CARE (some homeless canb extreme jerks):"LAPD Caught On Video Shooting Homeless Man To Death (*Warning: Strong Language*)" | Wayne Resnick on KFI AM 640

You could see that the homeless guy was taking swings at the cops,then (they say) he grabbed a cop's gun, this case the guy clearly created the confrontation; I'm not saying that any & all homeless are jerks,but take each one on a case-by-case basis,and in this case it seems clear that the homeless guy instigated the interaction. If he was only using fisticuffs,then shooting is not justified,but if he did,in fact, obtain the cop's gun,or was about to,then shooting is justified in this case.I definitely do NOT always take the cop's side.I've been a victim of police abuse myself.