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Monday, June 9, 2014

Fwd: search:,pow,taliban, Khairullah Khairkhwa, Mullah Norullah Noori, Mullah Norullah Noori, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mohammed Nabi

6/5/14 WERE USA SOLDIERS SEEKING TO KILL BERGDAHL?! (If this is true,it would somewhat change the dynamics of the outcry re the soldiers who died during the alleged "search-&-rescue" mission for Bergdahl. Even if Berdahl did desert, does that justify killing him? Albeit if he deserted with the intention of aiding the enemy and the American soldiers had absolute certainty of such, at what point does Bergdahl become one of "them"? Only time will tell,after a thorough inquiry,the truth of this whole matter (assuming we ever get told the truth) .Personally, my opinion is that if Bergdahl simply became disheartened & despondent and left the compound without any intention of aiding the enemy,then he doesn't deserve to be treated like the enemy,per se. For that matter,if he had truly decided to switch sides,he could have used his own gun to go on a rampage inside the compound and kill American soldiers very easily. Yet he did NOT do so. Hence, I am suspending judgment until further confirmed information is revealed.,search:,pow,taliban, Khairullah Khairkhwa, Mullah Norullah Noori, Mullah Norullah Noori, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mohammed Nabi ;*read more at
"..."What you have is pretty well spot on," the
post says. "All I know is that our orders
were kill on contact and then we came back
and it was covered up. I've personally been
threatened a few times that discussing it in
half the detail you already have was
considered an act of treason."..."
"Here is what I know, not from hearsay, but
because I was there. Bergdahl became a
sympathizer, walked off his post to seek out
the Taliban in order to join their ranks, to
help and live with them. In exchange for his
release, the United States released the
following 5 known Taliban; Khairullah
Khairkhwa, Mullah Norullah Noori, Mullah
Norullah Noori, Abdul Haq Wasiq,
Mohammed Nabi who were immediately
welcomed back into the Taliban network.
The Taliban are currently seeking the
release of additional prisoners, but will not
state specifics. Now that they have the..."
"...Bowe Bergdahl declared that he wanted to
renounce his US citizenship in a note that
he left behind in his tent before
disappearing "to start a new life", according
to former members of his army unit...."
 "But the LORD is the true God; he is the
living God, the eternal King. When he is
angry, the earth trembles; the nations
cannot endure his wrath." Jeremiah10.10,posted by vk
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